Lord's prayer resources for children
Lord's prayer Coloring pages and crafts
The one thing most likely to CONNECT
a child to God and a church for life.
Enough Free DAILY prayer resources for an entire year.

Click here to print prayer request
Lord's Prayer
Coloring Pages
Lords Prayer Coloring

Crafts & Activities
Bulletin Inserts
and parent takehomes
Bulletin Inserts
Coloring for
older children
Bible coloring pages

Other Languages
Prayer Resources Other Languages
Visit our sister site
Thousands of FREE Bible Coloring pages
Award winning Slideshow
Worth every second
The Lord's prayer for children
Help children learn the Lord's prayer,
and make prayer a HABIT
Printable Prayer helps for family, VBS,
Sunday School and children's church,
We hope you enjoy the prayer activities and coloring pages.

We pray God blesses your efforts to make prayer a HABIT
in the lives of the world's children.
The best Lord's prayer coloring pages on the internet.
The Lord's prayer for children
Helping children learn the Lord's prayer,
We pray God blesses your efforts to make prayer a HABIT
in the lives of the world's children.
We hope you enjoy the activities and coloring pages.

Click here to print Prayer Request

We pray also that you visit www.bibleparent.com
the only webite in the world with FREE, printable,
Daily Bible Memory Cards. We call them "Pocket Scriptures"
with hundreds of free VBS craft ideas
With even more Bible coloring pages.

All artwork and commentary (c) Charles White.
Feel free to make up to 100 copies for use by your local church
as long as they are not altered, offered for sale or used to promote
a product, service or website. All other rights reserved
Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is taken from the King James Version
of Holy Scripture.

Our email is partner@teachustopray.com

Help children learn the Lord's prayer, Printable Prayer helps for children's church, VBS, Sunday School and Home/family.
Try our Parent take homes and bulletin inserts, Great childrens activities for the National Day of Prayer. Use our free printable prayer coloring pages and activities for Vbs and weeknight activities. Churches, schools, children and parents will love the many resourches for teaching children to pray.